Collaborating with Grade 8s ~ PYP Math meets MYP DT

Planning for the Grade 8s

In the first week of school, Mr. Brian invited our grade fours to be clients for his Grade 8 DT project: Kite Building. We were thrilled to have an opportunity to collaborate with Grade 8s!

Last week students had a chance to design their ‘dream kite’! For homework, students explored different images of kites and were inspired to create many different designs from colourful rainbow diamond shapes to dragon and even a few Batman shapes. Students shared ideas and discussed the variety of shapes possible for their ideal kite. These kite diagrams will be used later when we explore shape & space and measurement.


Meeting & Interviewing with Grade 8s

Mr. Brian, the Grade 8 DT teacher brought the eighth graders to our piazza where students went over in detail the size, shape, and colours for their kite. Students were paired in language groups where possible to ensure they could properly collaborate on the project.

The older students were very warm and kind to our grade fours, who were extremely excited to be meeting their new grade 8 buddy. It was interesting to see the students interact in such a different way the older ones and I know that the grade 8s definitely found our class entertaining and full of creative ideas!


The Grade 8s used muraly to organize their projects. (To see how muraly has been used in PYP see these previous posts)

They had already started a brainstorm of ideas and added the dimensions of the kite, size, colour etc. along with a photobooth image of the original drawing.

Waiting to see the process begin…

In two weeks time, the grade fours hope to visit grade 8s during their DT time, where they can see the beginnings of their commissioned kite project! Overall, it was an excellent way to bridge the gap between PYP & MYP.

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