Collaborating with Grade 8s ~ PYP Math meets MYP DT

Planning for the Grade 8s In the first week of school, Mr. Brian invited our grade fours to be clients for his Grade 8 DT project: Kite Building. We were thrilled to have an opportunity to collaborate with Grade 8s! Last week students had a chance to design their ‘dream kite’! For homework, students explored…

1000s Project Final Reflections

Student Reflections & Sharing This week students finished their 1000s project and presented their findings with the class.Everyone completed a rubric & a group reflection(see below) on their project that explained the thinking behind their maths and also the challenges they faced throughout. Students then gave their first presentation to the class, and had classes…

Inquiry-Based Maths & more… Day 2

Today we started a 3-day project called the 1000s Project… The project has been modified from the resource book by Julie Pier Brodie called “Constructing Ideas about Large Numbers” by Creative Publications. We started the lesson by watching a keynote presentation that prompted students to ask questions about the images they saw: Some comments they…